Tuesday 12 April 2016

सूर्यनमस्कार मन्त्र - Suryanamaskar Mantra - Sun Salutations

1 ॐ मित्राय नमः
om mitrāya namaḥ

Step 1: Pranamasan Stand in an erect position, facing the sun, with palms folded near the chest in namaskar. Keep the feet together and breathe normally.

2 ॐ रवये नमः
om ravaye namaḥ

Step 2: Hasta uttanasana Breathe in, raise the arms upward, and bend backwards with the face pointing upwards and towards the sky. The back should be arched while bending backwards.

3 ॐ सूर्याय नमः
om sūryāya namaḥ

Step 3: Pada hastasana Exhale and keeping knees straight, bend down till the head touches the knees. The hands should touch the floor on either side of the feet with the palms flush against the ground.

4 ॐ भानवे नमः
om bhānave namaḥ

Step 4: Ashwa-sanchalan-asana Inhale and stretch the left leg backwards, and balance the leg on the toes with the heel raised upwards. The right leg is bent at the knee and the head is lifted upwards to face the sky, while the hands remain stretched with the palms flush against the floor.

5 ॐ खगाय नमः
om khagāya namaḥ

Step 5: Parvatasana Exhale and keeping the palms flush against the ground, the right leg is pushed back to stay parallel with the left leg. The hip is raised with the head bent downwards to face the navel.

6 ॐ पूष्णे नमः
om pūṣṇe namaḥ

Step 6: Ashtanga namaskar Inhale and lower the hips. The toes, knees, chest, and  face touch the floor while the hips are slightly raised.

7 ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः
om hiraṇya garbhāya namaḥ

Step 7: Bhujangasana Exhale and stretch arms. Lift the chest so the back arches and the head is bent backwards to face the sky.

8 ॐ मरीचये नमः
om marīcaye namaḥ

Step 8: Parvatasana Exhale and keeping the palms flush against the ground, the right leg is pushed back to stay parallel with the left leg. The hip is raised with the head bent downwards to face the navel.

9 ॐ आदित्याय नमः
om ādityāya namaḥ

Step 9: Ashwa-sanchalan-asana Inhale and stretch the left leg backwards, and balance the leg on the toes with the heel raised upwards. The right leg is bent at the knee and the head is lifted upwards to face the sky, while the hands remain stretched with the palms flush against the floor.

10 ॐ सवित्रे नमः
om savitre namaḥ

Step 10: Pada hastasana Exhale and keeping knees straight, bend down till the head touches the knees. The hands should touch the floor on either side of the feet with the palms flush against the ground.

11 ॐ अर्काय नमः
om arkāya namaḥ

Step 11: Hasta uttanasana Breathe in, raise the arms upward, and bend backwards with the face pointing upwards and towards the sky. The back should be arched while bending backwards.

12 ॐ भास्कराय नमः
om bhāskarāya namaḥ

Step 12: Pranamasan Stand in an erect position, facing the sun, with palms folded near the chest in namaskar. Keep the feet together and breathe normally.

Meditation First Step --- Last Step

What is Meditation ?

What are the techniques of Mediation ?

What Meditation is not ?

Meditation is very simple, we complicate it. We weave a web of ideas around it, what it is ?, what it is not ?, Because it is so simple, it escapes us.

Meditation comes naturally with extraordinary ease, when we walk, or look out of our window.

This courses answers the above questions and much more. Efforts are made to simplify the concept. It also includes the following topics -

Prayer - the greatest power available to the individual.

Autosuggestion - has helped many in achieving their goals.

Relaxation technique - this will help you if you are tired, stressed, anxious or tense.

Concentration - his is the only tool for high achievements.

Vipassana or Mindfulness - to see the things as the are.

You may have a question, why the above are also mentioned in same course?

The reason the above are mentioned because Meditation is often confused with concentration or relaxation or autosuggestion. So first we are understanding what are all these and when we are clear that these are not Mediation, we will look into what is Mediation.

A step by step video will guide you first through Prayers, Autosuggestion, Relaxation technique concentration and finally Meditation.

This course if for all those who want to know or learn meditation. Some stories are also been used to understand the subject. Other topics are included which will help you for success in life, improve relationship, build confidence etc .

In a way this course is a collection of work done by many great people.

All the Best.

50% discount on Meditation course

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